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Looking for the best

boarding school in the United Kingdom for your child?

Photo courtesy of St Columba's

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"I understand completely the challenges, sacrifices and difficult decisions we parents face when sending our children away to school. I believe that I am in a good position to help you through this process and share the benefits of my experience"


Dee McDonnell, Director

About Us

At British Boarding Schools we can help you find the perfect boarding school for your child.


We will lead you through the selection, application and acceptance process, step by step, and once you have received your school offer we will ensure that your son or daughter are well prepared for their life at boarding school.


With over 300 boarding schools on offer in the United Kingdom, we can guide you to find the best option for your child.


Securing a place in a British boarding school can be difficult, there are so many & they all offer a very different experience. As education and examination systems vary greatly throughout Europe and the rest of the world, parents must ensure that the timing and duration of your child’s time at boarding school in the UK, will provide the best opportunities and experience at the selected school, whilst minimising disruption to & enhancing their return to their native education system.


We also place children long term in British boarding schools to complete either the British GCSEA-Levels or the International Baccalaureate programmes.


We treat every family as a new and unique client, through a series of meetings and or calls we will ensure that the unique needs of your family are catered for in choosing your child's UK boarding school.


Director Dee McDonnell is passionate about education, is a qualified CPA accountant who has achieved professional roles in the business worlds of professional practice, financial control, corporate consulting, project management & risk management, & education. Dee is mother to a boy & girl who attend boarding school from abroad, & has a natural passion to help growing children engage fruitfully in academics, languages, music, art & sports.​


In addition to the practical arrangements required for a child living away from home & learning English, Dee is interested in the key personal relationships & individual understanding required to make the very best choice of school for each individual child.


The Experience

Attending a boarding school in the UK offers two key experiences for your child, living independently from home for a year or more, and the opportunity to become conversationally fluent in English.


The boarding school experience offers students at second level a rich educational experience, the academics, sports, music & more, but mostly the experience of being part of the dynamic of a peer group, who live, eat and play together, while striving for academic achievement.


The UK system offers a unique blend of the traditional boarding school model & the very best in advanced teaching methods & approach.


British boarding schools vary in their fee ranges so it is useful to have a good idea of the amount you are prepared to pay before we start the search.


British Boarding Schools recognise that immersion programmes offer the optimum opportunity for your child to learn a second language and become fluent for life. Attending boarding school in the UK for a year or longer will ensure that your child experiences 100% immersion.


The unique benefit of this boarding school based immersion is that your child will experience and feel the English language in its natural environment, and 'live the language', hearing & using expressions, words and phrases in context.



We treat every family as a new and unique client, through a series of meetings and or calls we will ensure that the unique needs of your family are catered for in choosing your child's British school.


British Boarding Schools has successfully placed children from Europe, Aisa & the Middle East. We continue to grow and enjoy our very special relationship with each family. We take great pride in seeing our young international students settle into life at boarding school and thrive on their exciting adventure.


"After many months looking for a school for my 15 year old son in Canada, USA, England, etc, suddenly I found on the internet this website. I contacted Dee and from the first moment we felt very close and comfortable with her. We had a first meeting with her, when she explained to us all the advantages that Irish Boarding Schools has and suggested a wonderful school in Northern Ireland. We travelled to visit the school, we flew to Dublin and she picked us up in her own car and took us to the school and spent the whole day with us. She is more than an expert in Boarding Schools, she is a mother, that understands the kids. The best thing is that she has sent her own daughter to the same school as my son.
My son is super happy, he has made a lot of new friends, he is playing rugby all the time and enjoys the extracurricular activity of Cadete Forces. The school is absolutely wonderful and the price even better. I recommend Dee to any family that is looking for a different experience for their kids."

Maria and her son Nico (15 yrs), Madrid 2018


"We were recommended to Miss Dee by an Irish family friend, we were nervous about this experience , but through Miss Dee and her long experience in boarding related issues and also as she is mother, the road paved clearly and the process went quickly and smoothly, starting from recommending the appropriate school to the Skype interview and recommending the Guardian, she is really excellent and transparent."

Khamis and his son Qasim (14 yrs), Oman 2018 


“Dee has made our search for a boarding school for my daughter very easy, we are extremely fortunate to have found Dee and she was a huge help! After discussing with us and our daughter, Dee personally selected some boarding schools my daughter would seem to enjoy and drove her and my wife around Ireland to visit them. They ended up finding a perfect match for my daughter and I cannot stress enough our gratitude.”

Guillaume and his daughter Emilie (15yrs), Tokyo 2018

Contact Us


The Studio, 522 Bath Road, Heathrow, West Drayton, Middlesex UB70EE United Kingdom

Tel: +44 203 936 9104




Islas 34, 5 B, Tres Cantos, 28760 Madrid Spain

​​Tel: +34 911 980 672



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